Being around positive people
Have you ever had people say to you “Calm down, you shouldn’t do that, or chill out I was only trying to help”. Help with what crushing your dreams ideas and passions.
There are two topics here, one is the need for wisdom and the second is to not be around people who usually are the closet to you that actually bring down your dreams.
IN the Bible
it states that you do not throw your pearls to swine. This is exactly that, do
not talk discuss have conversation with people on the very things that your
pearls. Your ambition your dreams your loves your goals you. This is a really
difficult lesson when you are a communicator, a person who loves to talk to
share and discuss life.
I have had
to learn this the hard way.
I have on too many occasions thrown my pearls the deepest things in my heart my visions goals aspirations to people and with all humans the reaction has not been positive but one of negativity and no encouragement.
I have on too many occasions thrown my pearls the deepest things in my heart my visions goals aspirations to people and with all humans the reaction has not been positive but one of negativity and no encouragement.
interesting thing is that people like to turn it around and say they are trying
to help, or give guidance or their opinion. They get frustrated and angry when
you do not listen to their instruction, however there was never a transaction
of need for their opinion, and two they are thinking of what should be done and
forgetting the dream and goal of the person.
Being around negative controlling people is not a place of expansion but of legalism structure judgement and negativity. These people think they know it all and will tell you this. Living in an environment that limits creativity or boxes it in a controlled environment is suffocating and destroys the spirit.
God is a creative God. He created the world, he created us to be creative, without creativity we can not build, design create expand. If God created us to be creative and gave us all different giftings why is it that we are unable to soar in business in areas of creativity as we have been designed.
Limiting peoples creativity is putting a limitiation on Gods own creation. This is a rejection of him and not trusting in him to do what he needs to do. People who are Christians might not get the concept that by controlling and limiting and not allowing people to create it is stopping God’s work. I can just imagine Gods frustration when he sees his children being capped at a level, not fulfilling their purpose.
I remember talking to someone very close about writing a book and my passion for writing. The reaction was “How are you going to make money from this, it is not a job nor will it provide it is just a hobby and a sideline”. This crushed my enthusiasm and I went "stuff it", whats the point when I do not have the people who are closet to me encouraging me with the things I am passionate about.
The thing is that people will only be encouraging if they themselves see value in it. For example another family member who I had not seen for ages asked how University was going? I said I am well thank you, my son is doing well, and my work is expanding, thank you for asking about how I am.
I remember after this conversation, the same family member mentioned to my son… "Remember education is the key"… I responded "so are life skills communication discipline correction faith and love:. Education is not the only key to life when everything else is not managed. I am no university grade writer or a trained writer, nor am I grammatically correct.. but it is my love of expression that I put on paper.. not a legalistic rigid expression... that's not real
I have struggled over the years with my own differences to education and my way of doing life. As a fitness trainer, business owner and later a food and wellness consultant I have worked and studied in all areas of this industry and have been very successful, however due to the lack of scientific or longitudinal studies and a University Degree to back it all up, I am just playing around and my career in many respects and had no standing or substance.
I have time and time again been told that University will get me the job and my career is just something that will get me by for now. When I launched into my food business again I was told that it was a good way to get extra income, not that it was something I really wanted to step into as a passion and my career. Having this type of negativity around limits and decreases self confidence.
It makes you question the very essence of who you are, and it crushes your spirit. The hard thing is that the people around you saying this think they are supporting you and when you approach them about it get offended and think you have the problem. It is a tough one and a frustrating situation to be in. The dynamics that come out of this is division and separation and you no longer want to share anything. What do you accept and what do you let go? This is the wisdom and I guess grace that is needed.
I have met so many amazing people in my career and have continued the friendship. I have learnt about people I have been moved by their stories. I am a positive person and love surrounding myself with positive people, when I have negativity around me I close up, go into my shell and stop. I feel suffocated trapped.
The thing
with negative people is that have a different perception of the word negative
and control. The perception they have is one of support, guidance, wanting to
help, instead of encouragement love understanding and empowerment.
That’s exactly the word… Empowerment. If you are not around people who empower you to be a better person, to move forward to follow your dreams and walk along side you then they are not the people you need to be around. It says this in proverbs to be around wise people fools will only make you foolish and lazy people will make you lazy.
The thing about the word of God is that people haven’t really allowed themselves to listen, to be saturated by the word, and to allow it to sink into every part of their living cells. They do not drink from the fountain of Gods word, nor do they thirst for the truth that is found in our Lord.
If they are truly drinking from the living water then they would in turn be giving life to others and not death to their dreams and passions. The word of God is about life and bringing life to others.. making people come alive.
Peace xx
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