The Bystander Effect

Have you ever seen an accident and rushed over to assist with the injured person? How many people do you see that have fallen over and are bleeding and hurting, however no one goes to their rescue? 

“I see you have been injured and in real pain, but I am going to leave you so you can have some time to digest what has just happened? 

Say that you are responsible for an injury or are involved directly or indirectly in an accident causing pain to another person. Would you help stop the bleeding call an ambulance, pray and apologise and ask if they are ok?? Where is this heading you ask?

What is the difference with a verbal or written injury? 

So why is it that when someone is hurting or communicates their concerns and pain through written or verbal communication people take on the response that they need time to heal or breath?? What is that? So a hurt a wound has been exposed and communicated yet the person who has witnessed or been exposed to the wound leaves it to continue to bleed and will not deal with the hurt and is left.

It is in fact letting the person die and suffer alone. In psychology it is called the Bystander Effect, and it is extremely dangerous it is the diffusion of any responsibility.

Why is it that people are so full of pride that when their character has been questioned they do not see the issue as an injury and see it more of an attack of their character? It is actually called the deaf and dumb spirit. A spirit that stops people seeing and listening and understanding, it is linked in with the spirit of pride. It is a false destructive spirit that judges condemns and causes division isolation and more trauma. 

So what is happening here is that you are leaving a hurting person to in fact die due to your own pride, and an inability to have a teachable spirit. A teachable spirit allows the person to be open to life events to not be driven by fear or pride, but humility and self sacrifice.
On another level having insight is a powerful thing and when this sin or stronghold is exposed as a spirit of pride people struggle with it. They are unable to see the injured person, but see the person as a threat as damaging and destructive and in times their own fault. This happens in all areas of life, work, family, children etc… This is a massive issue and is unbiblical. 

People see this as a attack against them, a need to hurt them, but in fact the person who is communicating is the one who is hurting, who needs to be seen, who wants to be acknowledged and loved, brought in and helped to heal. Does this make sense? If you are reading this and you have experienced this situation, instead of pointing the finger have a think about what Jesus would do. 

Have a think about how he would look after a wounded person, how he would invite them in feed them love on them and ask if they were ok. Then think about the Pharisees who would walk past and see the person as less than them and see them as a hindrance to their status, character and cause. In fact they killed Jesus, are you killing the spirit of another.

 I am now using my stories to share to encourage to motivate and to bring light to our lives. I am using my writing to help raise awareness of a very special project I am working on called Shining Shai's Light. It is in honor of the passing of my beautiful little boy Shai.

Blessings x


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