How many bandaids do we need?

The one thing I love about writing is the rawness and transparency it allows as we write from the heart, put our thoughts down, create a story a picture a moment in our lives through written expression. Revisiting my writing from December 2016, I now look at it through a different lens, I read it with a sense of humility through a changed heart. I still wanted to share aspects of my heart which I only wrote 5 months ago. The ever changing dynamics of life which overflows into the written word.

As I sat on my holiday in Nelson Bay my life was a ball of tangled mess and emotions. I had not had a holiday for over 8 years and so desperately needed to find a direction that would bring about the peace I had so much needed. I needed to fly again. I began to write, to place my feelings my thoughts and these lessons I had learned. Here begins the journey of the ramblings of a 40 something... it is not an essay but a series of ideas sometimes linked, sometimes not... hold on for the journey..

How many band aids do we need to cover up the wound, to make us feel better for a day, an hour or even a moment.... The issue hasn’t been dealt with. The band aid can come off and like all physical wounds the scab can stick to the band aid. You have created a deeper wound and the wound ultimately gets deeper. The wound can get infected and become more visual more prominent and becomes our identity our visual scar.

I use this illustration in two ways… one that we all want to use things of this world to cover up the pain the stress the craziness. We want the wound to not be seen and hope it heals. The second is that we can use the wrong type of dressing for the wound and it makes the situation worse and grows into something that it didn’t start with you become a person you do not know.
Like a wound that has been dressed incorrectly so can our lives. We can dress the pain in our lives with the incorrect dressing that initially brings a quick fix, but ultimately more pain. Life is messy, life is full of pain, life is a constant battle to find peace and happiness. But there is hope for rebirth a new you a peace that goes beyond what you ever thought, you just have to take off the band aids.

Life gets super busy and overwhelming. It can bring about trauma, brokenness, stress, financial issues, relationship issues, no sleep, physical illness, arguments, division, accidents and mental illness.. this is when  the band aids come out. The enemy  uses our lifestyle to breakdown the barriers so he can come in cause chaos, confusion and destruction. Life in the city destroys your soul...

If you were to sit down today and look at the pressures in your life how would this look like and how many band aid do you have?. Sometimes the seasons of life throw everything at us, and other times it is manageable. This is the time we can invest in the word of God, so when the storms come our foundation is solid. I have learned all this through teachings, but more so from just reading the word. 

In today's stressful lifestyle people look for alternatives to escape or fantasize or find ways to have time out. I know as I have worked to the brink of my capacity and beyond and it has broken me, and I have seen this break others. When you are tired, pressured, confused and stressed it creates a path to unwise decisions and you embark on a mindset that is not in line with Gods truth, way and light.

Is life perfect, far from it.!! Life is messy uncomfortable, painful and confusing, but we can make it better by turning back to God's word. Is is that easy?... not always as we have to look at ourselves in the mirror and accept the weaknesses and faults in our lives. We at times battle with our own needs, desires, pride, pain, pulls of the world and expectations. 
It is about laying down of ones self daily and making the changes needed to find what it is that truly makes your heart sing, it is about making the tough and very hard choices.

I am now using my stories to share to encourage to motivate and to bring light to our lives. I am using my writing to help raise awareness of a very special project I am working on called Shining Shai's Light. It is in honor of the passing of my beautiful little boy Shai. 

Blessings x


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