
Showing posts from October, 2017

Being around positive people

Have you ever had people say to you “Calm down, you shouldn’t do that, or chill out I was only trying to help”. Help with what crushing your dreams ideas and passions. There are two topics here, one is the need for wisdom and the second is to not be around people who usually are the closet to you that actually bring down your dreams. IN the Bible it states that you do not throw your pearls to swine. This is exactly that, do not talk discuss have conversation with people on the very things that your pearls. Your ambition your dreams your loves your goals you. This is a really difficult lesson when you are a communicator, a person who loves to talk to share and discuss life. I have had to learn this the hard way.  I have on too many occasions thrown my pearls the deepest things in my heart my visions goals aspirations to people and with all humans the reaction has not been positive but one of negativity and no encouragement. The interesting thing is that people like to t...